Were Your Parents Poor Models of Marriage?
How did your parents’ less-than-ideal marriage impact your ability to create a healthy, happy relationship with your spouse? And what now?
Were Your Parents Poor Models of Marriage? Read More »
How did your parents’ less-than-ideal marriage impact your ability to create a healthy, happy relationship with your spouse? And what now?
Were Your Parents Poor Models of Marriage? Read More »
Parents have a strong influence in how their children view their sexuality and establish standards for sexual intimacy. And much of that influence is not overt, but rather what we model day by day. With that in mind, here are five times you teach holy and healthy sex to your kids. 1. When you show
5 Times You Teach Holy and Healthy Sex to Your Kids Read More »
I met Rebecca Lemke when she contacted me about appearing on her podcast, The Scarlet Virgins. Her book about her experience in the Purity Culture shares the same name. And I was impressed with how she was speaking up about her experience, both the good and the bad. We had a wonderful discussion, which will
What I Wish I Had Been Taught Instead of Purity Culture with Rebecca Lemke Read More »
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, observed in the United States and over 40 other countries. Many of us will sit in church tomorrow and hear a sermon honoring mothers, followed by a celebratory meal, and likely some gifts that your family’s mom would enjoy. As all holidays go, it will be a joyous experience for many. And
How Moms Teach Sexual Integrity Read More »