Hot, Holy & Humorous

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Welcome! I’m thrilled you’re visiting my website. My name is J. Parker, and I have been writing the Hot, Holy & Humorous blog since December 2010. What I started as a once-a-week hobby has grown into a full-fledged ministry, reaching millions with now-thrice-weekly posts.

My mission is to reclaim sexuality for our marriages as God intended. Thus, my tag line: Sex & Marriage by God’s Design.

I wholeheartedly believe that sex is a significant part, and perk, of a godly marriage. I want to help others experience the best sexual intimacy in their marriage they can have, and that comes through believing, pursuing, and experiencing sex as God created it to be.

A few others things you might want to know:

Why Hot, Holy & Humorous? I believe those are three aspects of healthy, godly sexual intimacy: It feels good (hot); it honors God (holy); and it’s playful or even funny at times (humorous). Also, I like to add my own brand of humor to posts when the subject matter allows.

Who am I? For more about me, and why I’m writing a Christian sex blog, check out my bio here or read my testimony. Essentially, I’m a Christian wife and mother who has worked on ministry staffs, but now spends most of my time writing. My own journey from messed-up sexuality to godly physical intimacy drives me to reach out to others and help them find God’s blessings for their own marriages.

What else have I written? I currently have three books out:

  Hot, Holy, and Humorous book cover Intimacy Revealed Cover Final Book Cover - smaller

Hot, Holy, and Humorous: Sex in Marriage by God’s Design is a how-to manual of sorts, describing everything from how to write a love letter to kissing to oral sex to achieving orgasm. All from a biblical perspective.

Intimacy Revealed: 52 Devotions to Enhance Sex in Marriage is a devotional book, with fifty-two entries that take you through a passage from the Bible, thoughts about how it applies to sexual intimacy, questions to ask yourself, and a guided prayer.

Behind Closed Doors: Five Marriage Stories is a collection of short stories about couples facing challenges in the marriage bed and working through them in healthy and holy ways.

What other ministry formats do I offer?

You can schedule me to speak at your women’s event! In fact, for the rest of 2018, I’m offering a special in which I waive my speaker’s fee and only request expenses. For more information, click over the my speaker page.

I am one of four co-hosts for the podcast, Sex Chat for Christian Wives, which airs a new episode every other Tuesday. You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher, and other podcast providers. Come join us at the virtual kitchen table as we talk about a sexual topic with authenticity, practicality, and humor!


What posts do I recommend to new readers? To get a sense of my approach to the Bible, marriage, and sexual intimacy, I recommend the following:

What’s the Foundation for Your Views on Sex?

The Gospel in the Bedroom

8 Things I’d Say about Sex If I Had NO Filter (Heaven Help Us All)

I write primarily write to Christian wives, with thoughts for the plenty of husbands who also read. But I’m not sure every visitor to my website should stay:

Should You Be Reading My Blog?

And if you’ve made it this far, this is one of my favorite funny posts (with some real takeaways thrown in):

Sex Is For Bunnies…But Not Only Them

How can you contact me to submit a question?  I am no longer able to personally respond to all of the queries I receive. However, I now have a weekly feature of Q&A with J in which I answer reader questions with a blog post. If you wish to submit a question, you can send me an email here.

How can you help my ministry? At this time, I have chosen not to monetize my blog or ask for donations. The best things you can do to help Hot, Holy & Humorous are:

  1. Share this site with others to spread the ministry’s reach
  2. Purchase any books I have published: Hot, Holy, and Humorous, Intimacy Revealed, Behind Closed Doors
  3. Tell others about my books or recommend them to your church leaders
  4. Send my speaker information to your women’s or marriage ministry leader
  5. Keep me and this ministry in your prayers

Many blessings!

J Signature