Hot, Holy & Humorous

Learn. Laugh. Grow.

Invite J to speak at your next women’s or marriage event.

5 Keys to Making Sex Better

For wives. Five key aspects for making your marriage bed the blessing God intended it to be. From biblical perspectives to practical tips, this session will give specific ideas for improving sexual intimacy that wives can tailor to their own marriage.

Embracing God's Gift of Sex

For wives. We address personal issues from our pasts, myths about sexuality we've believed, and lies about ourselves that hinder us from embracing God’s gift of sex in our marriages. Then we replace these falsehoods with biblical truth and hope.

Five-Star Sex for Your Marriage

For couples. An engaging, lively presentation of the five components for healthy, hot, and holy lovemaking in marriage. Includes Top 10 Sex Tips for couples, based on research, study, and insight gained from hundreds of couples.

Or request a presentation customized to your event!

Member of the MomCo Speaker Network
J is not only polished and comfortable on the stage, she is a true professional and gracious off the stage as well. She has a gift at taking an otherwise uncomfortable or embarrassing subject and presenting it in such a way that feels normal and important. She's also witty and funny and had our 550+ attendees laughing. Her content is appropriate for Christian audiences. She has a talent for teaching concepts that are easy to relate to. Those in attendance thought so too; of all the speakers at the conference, she was rated the highest.
Dan Purcell
Get Your Marriage On!