I have a favorite line in Lovemaking: 10 Secrets to Extravagant Intimacy in Marriage: “Like M&Ms, good sex can be enjoyable time and time again. But why settle for M&Ms when you can have fine chocolate?”
Given that I’m the kind of person who will dip her greedy hand into a bowl of M&Ms several times over if you just leave it out there, this spoke to my heart. Because at the same time, if you put a single Godiva chocolate on the table beside that M&M bowl, I’d ignore the M&Ms and spend as many minutes as possible nibbling and savoring the delicious fine chocolate instead. Sure, I like M&Ms, but I love fancy chocolate.
And if you want fine chocolate sex in your marriage, read this book.

Lovemaking, by Linda and Dan Wilson, celebrates the spiritual and playful side of sex in marriage. Yeah, I admit, that’s my wheelhouse. They are speaking my native tongue! But I think that’s because it’s God’s native tongue as well when it comes to physical intimacy.
We have great freedom in the marriage bed, but also an obligation to satisfy our spouse and honor the gift of sexual intimacy God gave married couples. Dan and Linda take readers through what God has to say on the subject of making love, from flirting and playfulness to physical anatomy to exploring, satisfying, and truly loving your spouse.
This is best read as a book for couples. When I finished my perusal, I immediately thought, “I wish I’d read this with my hubby.” But that doesn’t mean you won’t get plenty out of it to read it on your own.
Now I’ve read so much on sexual intimacy in marriage, I don’t have many Aha! moments anymore. Yet there were some insights in Lovemaking I hadn’t considered!
Plus, it never hurts to be reminded again of what you already know and encouraged to do it.
As you can tell, I liked this book! So I asked Dan and Linda a couple of questions below about Lovemaking and their ministry.
What makes your book, Lovemaking, different or unique?
We celebrate all the new books on holy sex! We are not competing with other authors, but rather we are celebrating what God is doing in this season—He is redeeming sex!
Lovemaking is different as we include Dan’s medical expertise, bringing a clear understanding of anatomy, practical suggestions for maximizing pleasure, and hints for adapting to physical changes due to aging or health issues to the table. This, combined with Linda’s love for storytelling and our passion for holiness in marriage, all work together to make Lovemaking fun, unique, and enlightening.
It did strike me (J) as having a unique tone and something different to offer.
Who is the intended audience?
Of course we want every married couple to read this book! Young couples will learn the value of becoming highly skilled and wholly holy in their lovemaking. Older couples will gain a renewed passion for adding spark and excitement to their play. In fact, just this past week we spoke to a group of Indian pastors about sex. One, a man in his 60s, wrote that after our talk he and his wife were once again enjoying each other like newlyweds. Yippee! Everyone will benefit from Dr. Dan’s enticing prescriptions.
Yep, Dr. Dan’s “enticing prescriptions” are practical tips for any couple to try.
What struck you as humorous or intriguing as you wrote this book together?
Ha! Writing a sex book together has been very stimulating! We like to celebrate sexual standing stones—the memorable, OH MY GOODNESS, stand out from the crowd types of sexual encounters. Let’s just say that writing and thinking about sex much of this last year has enabled us to add several more sexual standing stones to our memory playlist. 🙂
That gets an Amen! from me. I sometimes joke about how my husband and I do “research” for this blog — because that’s just the kind of unselfish, wanting-to-serve people we are. LOL.
Thanks, Linda and Dan, for more details about your book! I truly encourage my readers to check it out. Here’s the quick blurb about the book, followed by a fabulous offer from the Wilsons and Broadstreet Publishing.
Lovemaking: Enjoy Extravagant Intimacy in Your Marriage by Dan and Linda Wilson. Sex is meant to be beautiful, holy, and fun, and every married person can be skilled in the art of lovemaking. Lovemaking will help to: Increase your degree of sexual satisfaction, Understand the purpose and pleasure of godly sexuality, Learn how to give and receive love through sexual expression, Renew passion for your mate, Be equipped to be the world’s greatest lover for your spouse. Great sex is godly. God is the ultimate Lover, and He created us to love. He placed creativity in us to make sex exciting, never dull or routine. You can fully realize the tremendous potential for joy, fulfillment, and purpose in your marriage.
BroadStreet Publishing has given me 20 copies to give away to my subscribers for those willing to tell others about the book. (Soooo generous!) To enter your name in the drawing for one of these beautiful hardcover books:
- Share the promotional image below on at least one social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest) with the hashtag #lovemakingbook. (Your tweet, pin, etc. will have its own url (http://____). You can post that in the comment section, and we’ll be able to click over and confirm.)
- The publisher will randomly choose 20 people who have tagged their social media posts #lovemakingbook and contact you for your address so they can send you the book. (Remember, your email address shows up to me, and I can share it with this publisher, but it will not show up on my blog.)
- On June 18 (two weeks from today), I’ll post the names of winners on the archive of this post.
Thank you, Wilsons and Broadstreet!
Sounds like a great book!
I tweeted it here: https://twitter.com/MamaCre8s/status/606501898317926401
I pinned it here: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/264234703113807561/
Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!
Sounds like a great book! I pinned it:
I’ll just buy a copy, would be too embarrassed to call it out on my social media :-p
Understood! 😀 I think it’ll be worth your money. Blessings, lynn.
I hope that I win one! I need something to help reignite our sex life!!!
I also shared it on my FB page. 😀
Hi J,
This book sounds fantastic!
I posted it here, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153104372628300&set=a.494983458299.272325.513853299&type=1&theater
Not as big a discount as the Americans get, but Australians can order it freight-free here, https://wordery.com/lovemaking-dan-wilson-9781424550050#oid=1003 .
Other online stores delivering to Australia here, https://booko.com.au/9781424550050/Lovemaking
Grant & Pauline
I just tweeted and pinned at:
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
thank you for the giveaway!
I ordered the book and was able to read the first 10 pages online once I ordered it. Wow, it looks lovely! “A marriage truly connected to the holiness of God is an amazing thing. In this kind of relationship we can let down our defenses and just be…In God’s playground called marriage, we are encouraged to love deeply and freely, to laugh and to play, without fear of the dangers that lie outside of these God-ordained boundaries.” I am so grateful to have that kind of relationship with my beloved!
Fabulous! I thought it was an excellent read. Many blessings to you and your “playground” marriage!
Can’t wait to read it!
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Shared it in fb! Thanks for the opportunity to get the book!
This would be an amazing addition to our library! I would love to read this with my husband. Just celebrated our 1 year anniversary – lots more to learn!
I pinned it here: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/44895327512784162/
I tweeted this and hope to win. Thanks for the contest and the great blog.
I pinned it here: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/7881368074896549/
I completely agree with you, J, about the chocolate! I’ll gladly eat just about any chocolate you leave in front of me, but I definitely enjoy and savor the fine chocolate. And that carries over to my love life as well. I’ll gladly participate in and enjoy any sexual interaction with my husband, but those finer moments…well, they’re FINE! 😀
I told my husband I ordered the book, and he said, “Why? Is there something wrong with my lovemaking?” LOL! However, I will say, my very Evangelical husband took exception to the statements about God loving to see us happy in our sexuality. He said, “How do we know what God feels.” I am only sharing that because some other readers who are in that mindset might react the same way.
We know God based on what He has revealed to us, don’t we? Thanks, lynn.
Thank you so much for all the wonderful posts and letting us know about this book as another resource.
I pinned the link here: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/409757266073590778/
CLEAR! Good way to revive our marriage! Can’t wait to read!
shared on FB
shared on twitter
shared on pinterest
shared on google+
May them that need the book the most , win!
I tweeted it. https://hotholyhumorous.com/2015/06/fine-chocolate-sex-a-review-of-lovemaking/
I tweeted! My Twitter name is @MunchTalks! https://twitter.com/MunchTalks/status/610971937414750210
Shared on Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/203787951865436822/
I bought the book, and I’d like to encourage those who don’t win one to buy one. It’s a beautifully bound little book with a ribbon marker, great value for the price – mine came yesterday and I read the chapter about couples talking to one another. It’s absolutely lovely, and you can pass it on (if you’re not a book hoarder, as I am) to another couple or a newlywed.
Pinned it here
Pinned to my “hubby” board! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/268667933997178068/
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Did I miss where you posted the winners? I’m very interested in this book & hope the giveaway is still happening! Thanks!
Thanks for asking! The publisher is contacting winners. Hope you’re among those they get in touch with!
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