Many of us gals were raised with the following messages, conveyed in one way or another:
- “Sex drive” refers to one’s independent desire to have sex; that is, feeling “in the mood.”
- Your sex drive is less than his.
But what if those two presumptions aren’t true.
Sadly, we women often don’t understand our sexuality. We may know how our own bodies work, but we still feel like something’s missing when our sex drive doesn’t look like our husband’s. I’m not even talking about low-drive vs high-drive wives, because our misconceptions span across that continuum.
Where can you get the truth?
As I have learned more, I’ve wanted to share what I know about female sexuality. And the same is true of my podcast partners, Chris Taylor of The Forgiven Wife, Bonny Burns of OysterBed7, and Gaye Christmas of Calm.Healthy.Sexy. We want to right the record, reform our perspective, and release women’s sexuality to be what God created it to be.
That’s why we’re thrilled to offer our first Sex Chat for Christan Wives webinar on the topic of Understanding Your Sex Drive! We’re inviting wives to pour a cup of java or tea, join us at our virtual kitchen table, and learn about God’s perfect design for a wife’s sex drive.
We know you busy ladies don’t have a lot of extra time on your calendar, so we’ll be meeting for less than 40 minutes, but that time will be packed with great insight. Plus, you’ll get to see us the way we get to see each other when we record our podcast episodes.
There will also be an opportunity to submit questions, which we’ll answer as time permits.
How can you join our webinar?
For right now, just mark your calendar for July 18, 2019, 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Give your work or family a heads-up that you’ve set aside that time. Then sign up for our emails, so we can alert you when the sales page goes live in early July.
Of course, I’ll also continue to share about the webinar here, on my blog, and on Facebook.
What does the webinar cost?
For each webinar, we’re only charging a whopping $5!
Yep, for about the same as a Chick-Fil-A kid’s meal, you can hang out with us, gain a great perspective, and improve your sex life. And with four of us, our smiles outdo your typical Chick-Fil-A employee!
(I’ll even add “Have a blessed day” if you want. Though I might opt for “Have a blessed night…bow-chicka-wow-wow.”)
Is this the only webinar?
This is the first webinar in three we’re offering in 2019. In addition to Understanding Your Sex Drive, we’ll also be talking to wives about Foreplay and to husbands about Understanding Her Sex Drive. So put those dates in your calendar as well.
We look forward to seeing you there!
The definition of “sex drive” is “the urge to seek satisfaction of sexual needs”. Are you looking to redefine the term?
That may be the denotative meaning, but people use the term “sex drive” connotatively to address sexual interest generally. With that in mind, we are clarifying what that “drive” looks like for women. We’re not trying to be Merriam-Webster, but to help marriages through explaining better how women’s sexual interest functions.
I see your point. I think using the phrase “sex drive” in talking about women’s sexual interest is unfortunate then, because it implies that women are as assertive and as “hungry” for sex as men are, and as men know to our great dismay, this is, in general, sadly untrue.
Will we be able to access the webinar to watch it at
A later time? Thanks
Yes indeed! You will get a link for replay. Thanks, Kathleen.
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