Hot, Holy & Humorous

13 Sexy Valentine’s Gifts from Your Grocery Store

In case you’re strapped for time, yet you still want to put together a Valentine’s gift for your hubby (or wife) that conveys you and me, baby, don’t worry. I’ve got you covered. You can load up on the milk, bread, and meal items, and then add a few extras to your cart for a special, intimate Valentine’s Day.

Yes, you can find sexy gifts at your grocery store. I perused my local supermarket, and here’s what I discovered.


Lubricant. Your grocery store likely has a section of intimacy items that include lube options. Find a product you haven’t tried, maybe something flavored, and add a note for your hubby of how you’d like to use it.


Bakery treats. Grab a tasty treat from the bakery, with plans to eat it together in bed. Awakening your five senses can lead to an easier time for sexual arousal, so start with livening up your taste buds. You can even mention where else you’d like to put your mouth when the cupcake’s gone.

iTunes gift card

Music gift card. Buy a gift card and suggest choosing songs for sex together. Make the selection a joint effort. You’ll likely have fun coming up with ideas and putting together a special marital intimacy playlist. You can find some suggestions for tunes here.

Greeting card

Greeting card. Find a more suggestive greeting card — one that not only says you love your man, but you find him sexy. Write something playful and promising in your own hand. Address the envelope “My Lover” or some nickname you’ve given him.

Body oil

Body oil or lotion. In the body care aisles, look for oil or lotion you can use for massage. Promise to get naked and rub his body, or rub each other’s bodies, with the product. Make sensual touch an integral part of your Valentine’s celebration with a special massage.

Washable markers
Sharpie markers

Markers. Why markers? Because you can use them to write a special message on your body, just for your husband. Or draw hearts or arrows on your skin to lead him where you want him to touch. The washable markers will go on easily and come off with soap and water. But you can also use Sharpie markers to get your point across; it has more staying power, but comes off with alcohol or acetone (nail polish).


Wine. If you and your husband drink, buy a special bottle of wine to share together. Add some special glasses wrapped with red ribbon for the occasion. You can even make your own wine label or a note with this verse: “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—for your love is more delightful than wine” (Song of Songs 1:1).

Bubble bath

Bubble bath. Pick your favorite bath stuff, present it, and invite him to join you. Spend some time soaping each other up and soaking naked in the bubbles.

Chocolate candy

Chocolates. Hey, it’s a classic for a reason. Remember that sweet treat stuff I said earlier? Feed each other the chocolates in turn. Even make a game out of it — letting the one who gets a fruit center choose sexual position and the one who gets caramel (the yummiest one) choose location. Or something like that.

Board games
Board games

Board game. Speaking of games, does your grocery store have a kids’ toy department? Even small sections likely have a few classic games. But when it comes to marriage, they’re not just games, but rather opportunities to play Strip _____. Almost any board game can be adapted for a clothing-removal challenge that ends with both of you winning. Or grab Twister, throw it out on your bedroom floor, and play naked; you’ll have fun and end up perfectly entangled.

Marriage books

Marriage books. If your grocery store has a book section, they might have some books you could read. For instance, you could go through this Love Is a Verb couples devotional book in bed together. Did you know that couples who pray together have very low divorce rates and report very satisfying sex lives? Becoming spiritually intimate is a great idea on its own, but it can also boost your sexual intimacy.


Roses. Buy the roses, but don’t leave them in the paper! Pull the flowers apart and scatter the petals on your bed as an invitation for special, intimate activity. Make your bedroom smell like a garden, then post a sign or give him a note citing, “Let my beloved come into his garden and taste its choice fruits” (Song of Songs 4:16).

chocolate syrup
whipped cream

Chocolate syrup and whipped cream. Need I explain what you can do with these? Just know that they even have reduced calorie and sugar-free options, so you can probably find something that works for you. And be sure to grab a towel, because while this is fun, it can get messy. Enjoy!

See? You really can find good stuff at the grocery store. Just be creative about the presentation and let hubby know you’re up for a special night of intimacy, in honor of Valentine’s Day and your covenant marriage.

What else have you bought or seen in the grocery store that would make a sexy Valentine’s gift? Any ideas for presentation?

11 thoughts on “13 Sexy Valentine’s Gifts from Your Grocery Store”

  1. That is a great list! I’ll admit I had not thought about the grocery store for Valentine’s gifts but you are correct that they have some good stuff! Although if you’re going to use whipped cream and chocolate syrup don’t put in on the vagina and make sure he washes off if you use it on him! Otherwise you could get infected.

  2. I’m unable to get out these days, unless my chauffer (sp) totes me around, so I had to use the grocery store. I picked up everything at the grocery store this past week.
    I’m making an evening at the movies box this year — covering the bottom of a shoe box (b/c he’s not very much of a basket kind of guy), putting in a card, a DVD, bags of microwave popcorn, and snacks he loved from the movie theater when he was a kid (i’ve been asking & just found out, after 20 years, that he likes Jr. Mints) — you can get the boxes, similar to the movie theater candy boxes, at the grocery store.

  3. Great essay, J.

    In these difficult economic times, one does not have to spend a lot to make for a romantic evening. Couples can be creative and improvise with less expensive items to make for a fun and “hot’ evening.

    As an aside, it is interesting how an early Christian saint’s feast day morphed into a celebration of romantic love.

  4. Last year, I gave my husband (among other things) a gift card to Burger King… with the motto “have it your way” on the card.
    I’ve been leaving little treats for my husband to find all month (he can’t say he didn’t know Valentine’s is coming) I found a box of Hot Tamales that says “Hottie” on the package. I wrote “you are my” and stuck it in his computer bag for him to find. You could do the same with Red Hots “You are my ‘red hot’ lover” “Lets have some ‘good and plenty’ loving tonight, etc.
    I am also writing a Valentines acrostic on the inside of his medicine cabinet…. one letter per day at a time. “You are my… Very hot lover, Amazing husband, Lifelong partner… and so on.”

    1. Love that Burger King idea! You’re good at coming up with wonderful notes to go along with the gifts. Sounds wonderful. Enjoy!

  5. Pingback: Valentines Day and Beyond – Marriage Message #291 : Marriage Missions International

  6. Pingback: Valentines Day and Beyond – Marriage Message #290 : Marriage Missions International

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