When it comes to the marital bedroom, I honestly believe a lot of us church folks need to lighten up and learn to enjoy a smile, a chuckle, and even a big belly laugh. We can get so tightly wound about sexual issues and challenges that we fail to see the funny involved in this gift of sex from God.
What makes sex funny? Here are just a few options:
- Um, yeah, I’m getting naked, and he can see all my stuff. Plus, there’s my potentially weird facial expressions and unusual noises coming from one’s mouth…or other places.
- Oh, the positions we married couples get into to have sex or increase our pleasure! And has anyone else ever fallen or accidentally injured their spouse during the act?
- Hello, having sex with kids in your house. Trying to get undisturbed time and keep the kids out of your bedroom can feel impossible in certain moments, and getting that knock on the door when you’re “busy” can bring on a laugh or two.
So in my ongoing effort to help us all lighten up and see the humorous side of married sex, today I decided to share a video clip from Christian comedian Chonda Pierce. Enjoy!
So are you able to laugh about sex in marriage? What has given you a good belly laugh?
So glad to see this happen (of course, it’s because I’m a presbyterian)!
Let’s keep helping the church and loving the church and serving the church.
Let’s keep gently teaching and showing our fellow Christians just how good it can be.
Almost 33 years here and better than ever. A white-hot love affair. It’s worth everything.
Seeing how we are 30 weeks pregnant with our first we for sure have things to laugh about when having sex! Positions are different and my body is different. It is like learning things all over again!
Bless you!! Just had our first January 27 and I was SO GRATEFUL he timed perfectly so that 6 weeks PP was our 1 year anniversary. It felt SO good to not have a belly between us. 😀 Have you noticed yet those pesky contractions right after an O? Oy, also not missing that heh. But that precious little boy was such a sweet gift and what an amazing reminder of the love his daddy and I share.
Just celebrated 10 months of marriage! And we definitely have some funny, awkward moments. One that is sure to always produce a giggle is when our chests suction together and make a “farting” noise. Not sure if everyone experiences that, but we just can’t get away from it! Hilarious (:
Pingback: 5 Ideas for Good Communication that Leads to Good Sex | Calm.Healthy.Sexy.
Long time reader, but first time poster! 🙂 I just wanted to let you know that your blog and other Christian sex and marriage blogs were featured in this article : http://www.nerve.com/features/sex-tips-from-christian-sex-blogs-that-are-shockingly-good. Now, I don’t recommend the web site, but this post did cone across my radar and I wanted to share that you just got a wider audience, I hope!
Hey, I saw that! Sex Within Marriage and CWives also got mentioned. Thanks for the heads-up!
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