Growing up, I was one of those kids during fundraisers who barely rapped on the neighbor’s door, hoped they wouldn’t answer, and when they peeked their head out murmured, “Do you want to buy _____? You don’t have to.” I hated selling! To this day, it is difficult for me to promote products or myself.
So when I received word that Stu and Lisa Gray of Stupendous Marriage are gathering nominations for their 3rd Annual Top Marriage Blogs List, I wondered how I should handle this. Ignore it? Mention it briefly and move on? Ask for a nomination from readers? Or simply go the route of Shameless Self-Promotion?
Then I decided that I’d rather focus on other great marriage blogs. So here are some terrific blogs I currently follow.
The Generous Wife. Lori Byerly gives daily encouragement for marriages with tips on everything from household organization to date ideas to sexual insights. These are quick reads, and there is a lot wives can apply to their marriages to make them better. Lori also does a round-up of posts from other blogs that have stood out to her, and I click through many of those links and find great material.
The Generous Husband. Paul Byerly speaks to the husbands in his daily posts on being a generous husband. I read them, though, because I get a lot of out of his blog. Both genders can learn from his tips for being kinder, more engaged, and more Christ-like in our marriages.
Intimacy in Marriage. Julie Sibert tackles the tough marital intimacy issues with aplomb. She’s covered everything from talking to your kids about sex to positions to her masturbation posts with me. She also posts straightforward advice on how to have a great sex life with your spouse. I highly recommend her blog and have yet to read a post I didn’t get something from.
Marriage Gems. Lori Lowe aptly titled her blog. She takes a research-based approach to strengthening marriage and keeps readers up-to-date on the latest information and studies. Also, her book First Kiss to Lasting Bliss is coming out in December 2011.
One Flesh Marriage. Brad and Kate Aldrich trade posts. They cover a wide variety of topics and do a great job of breaking down issues and providing step-by-step tips for working on problem areas. Their blog is informative and encouraging.
Preengaged. Eric and Heather Viets both post to their blog. Their topics are aimed at couples not yet engaged, engaged, or early into marriage. Yet a lot of what they say applies to all of us marrieds. They are able to take daily occurrences and draw lessons from them for our relationships, and I admit to being a complete love-sick sucker for their posts on fun marriage proposals.
To Love, Honor and Vacuum. Sheila Gregoire posts on marriage, family, and sexuality. From what I can tell, her target audience is Christian wives, but her appeal is broader than that. I especially love her Wifey Wednesday posts, which go to the heart of what we married gals need to hear. Also, be sure to look for her new book, The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex, coming out in February 2012.
Winning at Romance. Gina Parris has used her extensive background in sports psychology to advocate for great marital intimacy. She has wonderful tips in particular for women who struggle with low sex drive. Gina also hosted the Sexy Summit Teleseminar Series with some fabulous experts, and you can still get the series by clicking the affiliate link in the right sidebar of this blog.
I could list many more, but these marriage bloggers post regularly on relevant topics and often address sexuality in marriage – which is my focus. By the way, if you want to suggest a marriage blog for the Top 10 List, click HERE to go to Stu and Lisa’s nomination page at Stupendous Marriage.
Now I’d like to hear from you! Which marriage blogs do you love and why? How has reading marriage-focused posts helped your relationship? What do you want to gain from marriage blogs?
I nominated YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG! You have really helped our couples to realize that there is more to life
Not to sound sappy, but you’re my favorite marriage blog! Also, is a good one too 🙂
Lady LaWanda – You are so sweet. I am truly blushing. Thank you.
Anonymous – Thanks so much. I follow Married Spice also! Their tweets are great too.
As a newlywed (whose blogging about it), I am always looking for great new marriage blogs. Thanks for another great list! (And another great site!)
Melissa Shipman
Thanks for sharing your site, Melissa, so we can check it out! Best wishes.
I love it is a great site with biblical wisdom that has helped my marriage. I am going to start reading your too I just want my marriage to succeed
Hey Hot J! Those are some great blogs. I feel popularity-contest-anxiety come on when contests such as these arise, so I have no idea if I’ll ask my list to vote, but searching “top marriage blogs” is how I found my circle of online soulmates, so I guess I’m glad it exists. Bless you, my Sistah!
I love hearing about sites I haven’t checked out yet. I’ll be looking up for sure. Thanks!
Love your blog, it’s openness and honesty has opened some doors for my wife and I and we appreciate that!
I love Science Of Marriage Blog (my blog) where we talk about Christian marriage and really examining what the Word of God has to say about marriage. There’s also this series on my blog where every week for the next year I list 7 reasons (leading up to 365 or one per day) that I married my husband. I love visitors and nominations. Check it out!
Thanks for the list. It makes finding great blogs a whole lot easier!
Thank you very much for listing us! We love new readers and helping couples (married or dating)! I also love your blog as well!
Thank you for sharing this list J! It helped me out a lot to find GREAT info! 🙂
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