I feel a bit like this:
I’m not pageant pretty, but I was definitely honored at the end of 2011/beginning of 2012 with some kudos from fellow marriage bloggers. It feels a bit like getting a tiara! (I don’t have a tiara. Even though my sister once asked, “Doesn’t every girl have a tiara?” I do have a banner from my high school prom, but that’s another story altogether.)
Anyway, before I lose focus completely, let me say “Thank you so much!” to:
Sheila Gregoire at To Love, Honor and Vacuum for including FIVE quotes of mine in her 50 Best Marriage Quotes of 2011. (Who knew I actually said quotable stuff?) Sheila’s list is a great resource, and I recommend you read it all the way through. There is a lot to think about there, and so much wisdom for marriages collected in one place. Thanks, Sheila.
If you haven’t visited The Generous Wife; To Love, Honor, and Vacuum; or Intimacy in Marriage, I love what these ladies do in boldly speaking up for God’s plan for marriage.
Honors out of the way, I proceed to Hi-fives. Some marriage experts and advocates whom I respect have recently come out with resources that you might want to know about. I am giving a hi-five to these folks for going the extra mile and producing helpful material for couples. I am not getting any kick-back for including these here (though if someone wants to throw $$ my direction, I’ll leap for it like a bridesmaid going for the bouquet). Perhaps you’ll add them to your To Be Read List for 2012, just as I am doing.
First Kiss to Lasting Bliss by Lori D. Lowe of Marriage Gems. This book “features the real-life stories of couples across the U.S. Many of them used adversity to improve their marriages. . . .You will get to know the couples and their often difficult journeys, as well as the keys to their now-strong marriages.” First Kiss to Lasting Bliss is available in both print and ebook format.
The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex by Sheila Gregoire at To Love, Honor and Vacuum. This book isn’t out until March, but I’m biting my fingernails in anticipation and you can pre-order it now. I love Sheila’s Wifey Wednesday blog posts; they are frank, profound, and insightful. She boldly advocates for marriage on her site. Mark your calendar and keep your eyes open for its release. I will definitely let you know on my website when it officially comes out.
A Penny for Your Thoughts from Stu and Lisa Gray at Stupendous Marriage. “The Husband and Wife editions of A Penny For Your Thoughts EACH contain 99 questions you can ask your spouse. Ranging from family history to movies to music to sex.” These are conversation starters to increase communication on a range of issues and deepen your relationship with your spouse. Each version (husband and wife) costs only 99 cents! At $1.98 for both of them, that’s less than the vanilla hot chocolate I just ordered at the coffee shop and much more lasting.
Also, this past year, Stu and Lisa Gray of Stupendous Marriage and Gina Parris and Corey Allen of Winning at Romance and Simple Marriage respectively started podcasting shows. Both are free downloads. Check out The Stupendous Marriage Show and Sexy Marriage Radio.
What do you think? What resources do you recommend for improving your marriage? What particular book or blog has helped you?
Hey J! I agree with you that these awards are needed fuel to keep blogging day after day. You do a great job! A resource we provide for iPhone/iPod/iTouch is an app (free) providing a daily marriage tip and date night questions. You can find it by searching in the app store under The Romantic Vineyard. Blessings!
Sweet Post! Thanks for including Sexy Marriage Radio. We are so thrilled with the thousand downloads we get each day and the great feedback. (even when they say I laugh too much or Corey talks too much!) Ha! Sometimes his talking makes me laugh. These are terrific resources, and I give a high five, fist bump, and big honors right back at you and your “cool table!”
@Debi – The Romantic VineyardThank you, Debi! I’ll look that up. You two have wonderful tips for marriage!!!
One (of the many) great marriage books is Holy Sex! by Greg Popcak.
I need to check that out, Heather. I have a to-be-read pile of Christian intimacy books almost 3 feet tall. But I’m always eager to know what else is out there.
Thanks for the Hi-five J!! We appreciate it! 🙂
Two books that I re-read at the beginning of every year are “His Needs, Her Needs” and “The 5 Love Languages”. I find that doing this helps me remain aware of my wife and her needs.
@Matthew – For some reason, I own 2 copies of His Needs, Her Needs and 3 copies of The 5 Love Languages. So obviously, I’m good with these resources! Thanks.
“Love and Respect” by Emmerson Eggerichs. Very eye-opening.