Last week instead of pounding out blog posts and story chapters from my cozy home office, I was at church youth camp. My WiFi connection was spotty, which is why I didn’t get onto my blog, Twitter, and Facebook as much as I would like.
But when I returned, I had 142 blog posts in my feed reader. Wow.
So rather than spending all day long retweeting posts, I decided to provide a run-down here of the marriage and sexuality posts from last week (which I finally read today) that really stood out to me. Click away to the ones that interest you!
Recharging Your Date Nights from The Romantic Vineyard. Some excellent questions to ask about where your priorities are with date nights in your marriage.
Is Physical Affection Your Relationship’s Biggest Strength? from Preengaged. Specifically for dating and engaged couples, this post is still a good reminder that spouses should foster friendship as well.
To the Hurting Wife from Unbroken Woman. An inspirational lesson for wives from Jacob’s wife Leah — one I’d never heard.
Choosing Joy: Dealing with Baby Fever by Unveiled Wife. A very real issue for many wives, addressed in a biblical way.
Reading and Sex from Pearl’s Oyster Bed. Could reading about godly sex get your libido going?
Husbands: Ten Ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her from Mission:Husband. Just love this list from Gerad.
Can You Hear Me Now? from Generous Husband. The gender differences in communication, with a funny example (to which I relate).
Did God Make Women to Want Sex…A Lot? from Generous Husband. How female libido shows variations according to culture.
Take It Seriously from Generous Wife. “Fight for your marriage.” Why it matters.
How to Turn Him On & Get Naked from Intentionally Yours. Amen, Beverly! How to demonstrate love to your husband. (Oh, and I love her sense of humor.)
Tired of Him Wanting Sex? Consider This . . . from Intimacy in Marriage. Wise and practical advice for dealing with the mismatch in sex drives.
The Eyes Have It! from Journey to Surrender. Interesting! I never thought about how much we communicate with just our eyes.
Can Marriages Survive Infidelity? from Marriage Gems. A wonderful (and brief) interview with the author of The Secrets of Surviving Infidelity.
And if you didn’t catch it, I recently guest posted: 5-Star Sex from Pearl’s Oyster Bed. How married sex isn’t like the movies . . . but it can be five-star!
That’s it! I scanned all 142 posts and narrowed down to about 10% I wanted to share here. Did you read anything fabulous last week?
Thank you for posting this. It helps me deal with my busy and overflowing Blog mail box also.