Some themes crop up again and again on Hot, Holy & Humorous, like:
- Sex is a gift from God to marriage.
- God’s generosity is seen in how pleasurable and intimate sex can be for a married couple.
- The Word of God is our guide for how to have God-honoring sexual intimacy.
- Scriptures about marriage can be applied to the marital bedroom, as can scriptures about how to treat ourselves and one another.
Early in 2014, I began to earnestly search the Bible for lessons for the marriage bed and draft devotions based on what I found. I was amazed by how God’s plan for marriage and sexual intimacy shines through so many passages, both those we consider marriage scriptures and ones we don’t usually think to apply to that relationship.
I would love to walk you through that journey of discovering how God’s Word can nurture the sexual intimacy in your marriage. And my new devotional book, Intimacy Revealed: 52 Devotions to Enhance Sex in Marriage, does just that.
What does the Bible say about sexual intimacy?
Quite a lot actually. From marriage-specific scriptures to biblical principles, Intimacy Revealed: 52 Devotions to Enhance Sex in Marriage guides Christian wives through weekly devotions that shed light on God’s gift of marital sex.
Each week includes a Bible passage, application, questions, and a prayer. These short devotions will deepen your understanding of God’s design of sexuality and encourage you toward a holier, happier, and hotter marriage.
Amazon (Kindle ebook)
Barnes & Noble (Nook ebook)
Print book
Many devotional books are 365 days, but I went for 52 weekly devotions. To be honest, when I try those 365-day ones, I hit about March 8 and feel bad that I’m still on January 27. (And all too often, by June I’ve just given up.)
Yes, of course, I should study the Bible daily, but my devotional activities tend to be a mix-and-match sort of thing — depending on what other Bible-study pursuits I’m involved in at the time. So weekly devotionals on sexual intimacy seemed just about right to me, allowing you to work on this aspect of your marriage while still doing other devotional or Bible study activities. You’ll also have time to ponder the questions throughout the week and maybe try out a different approach to a challenge in your marriage.
Each devotion only requires a few minutes. However, you may want to spend more time on the questions to really dig into your own marital situation and how to apply the Word of God there.
This devotional book is intended for wives in any stage of marriage. Whether your sex life is struggling or doing pretty well, the Word of God can illuminate areas where you can foster greater intimacy in your marriage.
The ebook is ready for purchase right now, from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Priced at $4.99, the ebook is cheaper than a tube of personal lubricant, a pair of Victoria’s Secret undies, or a bottle of bubble bath. I’d assert that your marital intimacy is worth $5 and 10-15 minutes a week.
The print book will be available very soon, since I’m just waiting on proof copies to double-check before I click Publish. I’ll announce here (and everywhere else I can) when the print format goes live.
As you can see, I’m pretty excited about this. From germ of an idea to fully-finished book is a journey in and of itself, but even more wonderful was what I learned and had reinforced as I wrote and then read back through the devotions. My God is a loving, generous Father. And today especially, it’s easy to thank Him for the beautiful gift of sexual intimacy in marriage.
May you experience all He has in store for you in your marriage!
Thank GOD for this website. Of a truth, success in our sex life translate into success in other areas of our marital life. Couples who are intimate sexually tend to love each other dearly. Couples should therefore learn to grow their sexual intimacy for in doing so, there will will be no room for marriage breakdown or divorce.
Thanks so much!
Snagged it yesterday. I’m pre-reading the whole book before starting a year with it weekly. I’ve finished the first third.
Very well done! My sweetie and I have recommended your previous book to many folks. I think that this one will be equally welcomed.
Thanks so much! Many blessings to you and your wife. 🙂