Once again, I’m sharing a few other places where you can find me sharing about God’s design for sex in marriage! I hope you’ll check these out.

Sex Chat for Christian Wives
On our latest podcast episode on Sex Chat for Christian Wives, we discussed female sexual health. Yep, that’s right—we gals need to take care of the lady bits, and we candidly talk about why and how.
Click below to listen and see show notes too!
To Love Honor and Vacuum
A little while back, Sheila Wray Gregoire contacted me and several other female marriage bloggers about putting together a collaborative post on what male teachers about sex need to know—as in things that often aren’t covered as well as they should be. I jumped at the chance to include my thoughts on higher drive wives.
Click below to read the post that appeared last week!
Rolling Stone
This one is not new, but I’ve been trying to catch up and clear out my email inbox and came across this link again. And you know what? Regardless of anything else that ever happens or doesn’t happen in my life, I can always say that I was quoted in Rolling Stone! Not on my thoughts on rock-and-roll, though I suppose one could refer to sex as rocking and rolling. 😉
May your weekend be extra hot, holy & humorous! Thanks for reading and subscribing.

“Not on my thoughts on rock-and-roll, though I suppose one could refer to sex as rocking and rolling”
The Christian high school my husband attended in the ’80s discouraged students from listening to rock-and-roll music (even the Christian variety), one reason being that the term “rock and roll” itself was supposedly slang for having sex in the back seat of a car.
I had no idea! From Etymology Online:
rock and roll (n.)
also rock ‘n’ roll, 1954 in reference to a specific style of popular music, from rock (v.2) + roll (v.). The verbal phrase had been an African-American vernacular euphemism for “sexual intercourse,” used in popular dance music lyrics and song titles at least since the 1930s.
But by the time I was aware (1970s), rock-and-roll just referred to the music.
The term “sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll” was used in excess during the ’70’s. I didn’t like the term, as I felt it cheapened or trivialized sex. It wasn’t a romantic term.