Does it ever feel like there’s just a whole lot going on? If you’re more Christmas-inclined than I am (honestly, a rather low bar), perhaps you’re looking forward to a busy season. As long as what’s going on is positive and you’re not feeling overwhelmed, then it’s all good.
Well, it’s all good here.
For me, this has felt like a busy, busy month, and I want to share with you some current resources and upcoming releases to help you in your marriage.
Tips about my blog. Since moving over to a self-hosted site, I’ve been discovering small issues to address. For instance, a fabulous reader recently informed me that I didn’t have sharing buttons (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) below each post. To which I thought, Duh, J! Sharing buttons! I’ve remedied that oversight. So share away!
I asked my website designer to move the “Leave a reply” button from its default position at the top of a post to below the post, where it makes sense after you read. So it’s now a nice red button you can easily see and click.
I also want readers to know that the option to leave a comment as “Anonymous” is still available. When you click “Leave a reply,” you’re presented with blank boxes to input name, email address, and website. Simply type “Anonymous,” or your made-up moniker, into the name box, write your comment, and post.
Given the subject matter here, all comments are approved before they appear. You can find my policy by clicking the Comments button on the menu bar above. A summary of the policy is “Treat others the way you want to be treated” (Matthew 7:12).
31 Days to a Better Marriage. Jolene Engle of the Alabaster Jar coordinated and hosted a series of marriage posts for wives all throughout October. I was thrilled to contribute my own post on “Can Sexy Wives Be Godly Wives Too?” But if you missed the series or any posts in the series, don’t worry. You can get the whole thing in a free downloadable ebook! Sweet deal, right? To get your copy, click the pic below!
The Pursuit of Passion. Fellow Christian sex blogger, Julie Sibert of Intimacy in Marriage, has co-authored a book titled The Pursuit of Passion: Discovering True Intimacy in Your Marriage, which was released just this past week. I haven’t read it yet, but it’s on my e-reader. And since I agree with almost everything that gal says on her blog, I feel very comfortable recommending her book.

(affiliate link)
Sex Savvy: A Lovemaking Guide for Christian Wives. Doesn’t that title alone make you want to get my upcoming book? It’s a handbook for Christian wives to learn the ins and outs of sexuality in marriage, to become savvy women in the bedroom.
When can you get your hands on copy? Thanksgiving Day. (‘Cause nothing says sex like eating turkey and cranberry sauce, right?) For those of you not in the United States and not celebrating turkey day, that would be next Thursday, November 28.
For those wives in the United States, just make sure to finish the cooking and serve the bird at Thanksgiving before you buy and start reading Sex Savvy. I’d hate to be responsible for your family having to hungrily wait an extra hour because you got distracted by the chapter on orgasm.
Sex Savvy will be available first by ebook and then by print. But first, here’s the cover reveal. You ready?
Besides thinking ooh and aah, I know what you’re asking yourself: What’s that?!!! Is that a last name? Is that her real last name?! Why yes, yes, it is. After much consideration, prayer, and consultation of close friends (also known as relentless prodding from close friends), I decided to forgo the pen name I’d considered and use my married name instead.
Upcoming Interview. I love listening to podcasts and audio books. In my opinion, it’s really the only way to clean a toilet.
One of my favorites is The Stupendous Marriage Show with Stu and Lisa Gray. If you’re not subscribed to their podcast, check them out. There’s such an authenticity to their Christianity, their marriage, and their answers for couples seeking help. I’ll be appearing in the next few weeks on their podcast when they interview me about the book, Sex Savvy, and sex in general. (Although I also hope Stu and I can chat about Batman for a little bit. If Lisa will let us.)
So that’s it! All of my announcements for today. If you have any questions about anything, leave them in the comments and I’ll answer as soon as I can. Blessings!
Oh my dear friend! I’m so proud of you!! You are a valued and much-needed voice in this discussion about sex and marriage!
Congratulations and best wishes, J, with your forthcoming book. I am sure that it will help many married couples. Hopefully, it will be widely read and discussed. We second Julie Sibert’s sentiments. You are a much needed voice in this area.
Thank you so much, Larry! You’ve been so encouraging to me. 🙂
So excited for your launch, my friend. I know it’s going to create much stir in bedrooms around the world. Looking forward to your authentic discussion of how to become a Christian wife who is empowered and ready to play.
Congratulations on the upcoming book! …and looking forward to the upcoming interview with “J” 🙂 (I assume no relation to Ensign Charles Parker) 😉
No, but I might be related to Peter Parker. 😉
I was subscribed to your email list and realized I hadn’t gotten any emails since mid November. I saw a link to one of your recent posts on the generous wife and realized I hadn’t gotten an email in a while. Just an fyi because that could be a problem you don’t want happening. I registered again so I hope that fixed it.
I’m excited about your book and knowing you’re last name!!!
My blog move was clumsy. It simply was. I’m so sorry about that!!! Thank you for hunting me down. I’m so glad you reupped.
I appreciate you letting me know. I’m currently researching ways to reach out to those who might have gotten lost in the blog move. Blessings, r!