Hot, Holy & Humorous

Romance Infused with the Gospel

Well, color me happy! One of my favorite marriage bloggers is here today, talking to us about a subject I’d probably get a C- in — at best. Thankfully, Debi Walter of The Romantic Vineyard, is here to talk about romance — romance infused with the Gospel.

Take it, Debi!

♥    ♥    ♥    ♥    ♥

My cousin’s daughter just moved in with us for the summer. I could say she’s my 1st cousin twice removed, but then I’d have to explain what that means. So. I. won’t. 😉

tea & fruit steepingBut what I do want to share with you is this — she brought with her a tea infuser that holds loose tea and frozen fruit. She was putting the whole thing together last night to place in the refrigerator for a healthy drink in the morning. I was fascinated the next day when I saw how rich the color of the water was after steeping for hours. The fruit had dissolved its juices into the clear water making what I imagine was a very refreshing drink.

It made me think about how the Gospel infuses every aspect of our marriage with a richness that is fascinating and life-giving as well. It makes all the difference in how our marriage looks to others and most importantly how it tastes to us.

Romance is one of the best ways to enjoy the fruit of the Gospel in our marriage. You might not have considered this before, but it’s true. Without the Gospel — which is the finished work of Christ on the Cross that enables us to live our lives in sacrifice for the benefit of others as well as the glory of God — our romance would be for temporary pleasure alone. It would have no lasting value other than the enjoyment it brings in the moment. But when we romance our spouse because of the love Christ has shown us, preferring them in all we do, it produces a fresh aroma that others can’t help but notice.

I would define romance as the outward expression of an inward feeling. It could be shown through love letters written, date nights planned, passionate lovemaking, dinner out or a favorite meal cooked at home. Romance could be a look or a smile, a kiss or a warm embrace. But most importantly when infused with the Gospel, underneath it all is what motivates our acts of romance. It’s not just for the pleasure of our spouse — although that is a valid one. It’s for the glory of God. It’s our way of allowing His love to shine through us as we treat our spouse in a way we treat no one else on the earth.

This kind of romantic love is attractive. It makes others stop and ask if you’re newlyweds, which Tom and I have had people ask us before. We love watching their reaction when they hear we’ve been doing this for decades!  And immediately our gratefulness goes to God, for apart from Him we wouldn’t love each other the way we do. His love infuses everything we do — from our feelings, to our thoughts, to our prayers and to all our relationships, but mostly in how we treat each other.

I realize some reading this post might be in the midst of a very difficult time in your marriage. It may seem that what’s infused in your relationship is bitterness and discontent. I know how hard it can be to endure difficult seasons in your marriage. Tom and I have certainly had our share. But what you need to hear right now while steeping in this cold, dark place, is that God is faithful. He is at work and promises to bring about good to those who truly love Him and are seeking to live according to His purposes.

If you are lacking faith that your marriage will ever change, I encourage you to take your concerns to God. Cry out to Him for help in your time of need. Ask Him to infuse your marriage with the sweet fruit of the Gospel, not the bitter pill of what’s gone before.

We recently shared a daily marriage tip on Facebook that I think is the perfect way to end this post. It says:

My spouse should be the safest place where I can be myself and know I will be loved, accepted and encouraged to be the best I can be. Our past may inform our present, but it shouldn’t define our future.” 

Did you catch that? We can’t ignore our past, even what has already happened in our marriage that we’d like to forget. But with the Gospel Truth at work in our lives, our past shouldn’t define our future. God loves to take impossible situations and make them into something beautiful. 

May The Lord help you discover how to allow His Gospel truth to infuse the way you love and romance your spouse. As you do, be certain others will notice, and your marriage will grow all the stronger day by day, year by year, decade by decade.

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life” (2 Corinthians 2:14-16 ESV).

About Debi Walter

Debi WalterTom and Debi Walter have been cultivating their romantic vineyard for most of their 35 years of marriage. It has been their conviction from the start. Now they are passionate about helping other couples discover the rich harvest of romance available to them no matter the current season. Through their marriage blog, The Romantic Vineyard established in 2008, they provide regular posts about growing your marriage for God’s glory.

7 thoughts on “Romance Infused with the Gospel”

  1. What a beautiful post! I will marry my wonderful man in a just few months, and it is so incredibly encouraging to read about couples who are still happily married after many years of marriage. I have been astonished at how many (Christian!!) people have warned me off about how it will ‘fade’, or ‘wait a few years then see what you’re saying’. I understand that it won’t be easy all the time…but to see that it is possible to still love one’s spouse and have even a basic level of happiness and satisfaction in marriage after many years is a rare treat around here that I’ll hold on to.

    May God bless you both richly for your ministry of hope and encouragement!

    1. Happygal,
      Congratulations on your upcoming marriage! Tom and I had friends tell us to wait until we had been married awhile and it would fade. I couldn’t believe it! It made us all the more determined to prove them wrong, but if it wasn’t for the grace of God and His help we wouldn’t have. Marriage isn’t easy, but it’s worth the effort.
      I’m so glad you found encouragement in today’s post. 🙂

  2. “God loves to take impossible situations and make them into something beautiful.” Our extended family has had a number of these kinds of situations recently. It makes me smile to know we’re not the only ones seeing God work through ‘impossible’ situations. Thanks for stopping by at Hot, Holy, Humorous, Debi!

    1. Justin,
      Thank you for confirming the way God helps us during the difficult times. What a rich means of grace that is given to all couples who are called by His name!
      I pray you’ll soon have a fresh testimony to share of God’s faithfulness to you.

  3. I love this post! It’s so what I was needing to hear and trying to focus on right now in my marriage!

    1. Kelsey,
      I pray God will use this Truth to help you. I love how He cares for us in such specific ways that causes us to worship Him from a sincere heart of thanksgiving.

  4. Thank you for posting this. I was married for seventeen years and then lost my husband. I am remarried to a man that is younger than me and at times it feels so difficult to be the wife he needs me to be. I feel like even though it’s difficult, it is still so worth the effort. Praying for the Lord’s guidance…and s stumbled upon your blog today… 🙂

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