I know a lot of writers.
It’s just where I am at this point, writing fiction and about Christian intimacy. Usually, I get to know someone personally before I ever open up a book they’ve written. Frankly, it’s so hard when you like someone a lot, but you don’t like their book. I mean, what do you say?!
So when Bonny Logsdon Burns of Bonny’s Oyster Bed wrote a resource specifically for low libido wives, I was a little nervous. I really like Bonny! I thought please, let me like her book!
I shouldn’t have worried in the least. Bonny did a bang-up job with Unlock Your Libido: 52-Week Sex Drive Transformation. It’s easy-breezy to recommend this fabulous resource to my readers!
In case you’re wondering why:
1. Saturated in Scripture. Bring on the biblical foundation! It’s all here. Bonny reaches deep into the Word of God as her compass in enlightening readers about sexuality in marriage. Some verses are specific to marriage and intimacy, while plenty of others are about Christian principles that carry over into how we view the Creator of sex, ourselves, and our marriages. I adore this important focus in Unlock Your Libido.
2. Wisdom from Someone Who Knows. Bonny’s been there, done that, so to speak. She understands what it’s like to be a wife with a lower sex drive, but she also has a testimony of awakening her libido. Since she’s been in those trenches, she has practical, field-tested advice for wives who don’t desire sex much. There’s no standing-on-a-soapbox, but rather a heart and a hand to help you on your journey to becoming a more sex-positive wife.
3. Positive Self-Talk. Want to know something with a really good track record of effecting positive change in your life? Changing your self-talk. Research and testimonies are clear on this one. But sometimes we read a book, agree with it, but don’t take any actions for those truths to soak in. In Unlock Your Libido, Bonny gives a positive affirmation for each week you can practice and use to combat the enemy’s lies and replace them with godly truth. Working on that little action won’t take long each day, but over time it can make a big difference.
Bonny understands that the goal for a low-drive wife shouldn’t be getting her to “fulfill her duty” and surrender herself to her husband. That’s not what God had in mind when He designed sex for marriage! Rather, the hope is to awaken, or unlock, your libido — learn how sex can be good for you, increase intimacy in your marriage, and become something you look forward to and enjoy. Sex is also for you.
I’d love to give away a copy of this important resource to every low-libido wife, but of course that’s impractical (not to mention I’d get into huge trouble with the hubby for that unexpected expense!). So I’m going to encourage you to grab your copy now! But I’ll go ahead and give away one copy to a commenter below.
Bonny Logsdon Burns writes to encourage the low libido wife at www.OysterBed7.com. She is passionate about empowering and equipping hurting women through God’s Word and practical tools. She and her husband, David, are candid about their struggles and victories. They have three sons, like to try new foods, and dance to their own music. (You can also find her on Twitter and Facebook.)
Comment below for a chance to win Unlock Your Libido, and go check out the resource for yourself! (Be sure to include your email address, but you can choose whatever name or nickname you wish to show up on the site.)
this book looks great! Thanks for sharing!!
I would love to win this book. Will provide some insight and may be a good book to share with some of my newlywed friends.
A believer’s book on practical AND spiritual help for this very frustrating (for myself and my hubby) issue.
Thank you!!
Cheryl S.
My husband would feel more loved to know I just got this book…….not to mention if I would put into practice some of the tips in it!
I just listened to Bonny’s interview on the Delight Your Marriage podcast. She sounds like such a sweet woman with so much wisdom for those challenges in marriage. Would love to read her book!
Yep, I’d love a copy! If I don’t win, I’ll go bye myself one. I know how this is a mind-game for many of us wives, and really I’m quite confident when it comes to it, I just never seem to come up with the idea on my own. ::sigh:::
Thanks for the opportunity to win this practical book.
Looks like a helpful book!
Sounds like a good book. In my case, I think the low libido, when it happens, is more of my mind telling me negative things.
Iwould love to add this to my collection.
Being menopausal I could use this book! I would >3 to win. Please put me in the drawing for a chance to win.
So looking forward to reading this! Thank you for telling us about it!
I would really benefit from this book. Thank you for the information and the chance to win.
This book is exactly what my marriage is needing right now! My husband and I are working through a big bump in the road, and I definitely need a boost in the libido area of our marriage right now. Money is tight, and winning this book might be just what I need to help get our intimacy back on track!
Congratulations! Your name was randomly chosen to receive this terrific resource. Many blessings to you and your marriage!
I’d love a copy of this book (I’m in Australia so not sure if I’m now not valid though…)
I have just started out in Women’s ministry, and there are many struggling wives around, that I wish to encourage and support.
Reading this book, would provide me with a valuable asset in which to actively encourage these women and also to encourage them to buy it themselves and learn to love themselves and God through their marriages.
Thanks for everything you do ladies, you’re a God sent blessing to our world
A book like this would be awesome!
Ohhh I could totally use the wisdom in this book! Thank you for giving a copy away! God bless you & your family!
I love her blog! Would love to read her book!
I would REALLY love a copy of this book. It think it’s just the challenge I need. Thank you for the chance to win one.
i am so excited for Bonny! She is a beautiful Christian woman, and I can imagine this is an incredible resource!
How fortuitous. I was literally just praying in the shower for God to heal my body and restore my libido and help me be able to enjoy sex with my husband as the gift He created it to be. I will take this as sign from Him that I should read this book.
Nice give-away. I will keep an eye out for this book
Pingback: J Parker (hot, holy & humorous) Reviews, Unlock Your Libido
I would love this Book being translated into german
Would love Bonny’s book!
I have struggled with low libido and have been praying for God to help me. My marriage needs this book.
I know “someone” who could use this book. 🙂 Looks awesome!!!
ps. J, do you notify the winner by email or on your site? thanks!
By email, although I’ll sometimes mention the winner by their left-on-my-blog moniker.
This sounds like a great resource. Would love to check it out. Thanks.
Sex is the greatest source of discontentment in my marriage. My wife seems to think she deserves a trophy if we’ve had sex once a week. I am patient and understanding but wish that we could enjoy sex more frequently. These book might be a blessing to our marriage.
32 years of marriage -with many years of emotional pain-which has driven me closer to my Savior. I so want to experience this unity with my husband. This is the only thing that is missing in my life…..but the second most important. I am ready to work on it. I am not complete. Know this is the key for us both!
Thank you for being God’s tool. ( :
I have struggled so much in this area- putting a wall up between myself and my husband. I know it has taken a toll on our marriage. I need to learn to view my marriage how God intended, to view myself through His eyes of love, forgiveness and to see how man and woman together as made to be is healing and unifying…
Always good to hear from someone’s heart who has travelled the issues they write about. Thanks for the chance to win.
Your post couldn’t have come at a better time. I want to have a better sex life with my husband. Our relationship is good but I know that that would make it so much better. I want to want to but usually after work and the stresses of the day and the day to come, I just manage to fix dinner and then go to bed to sleep. I haven’t always been this way but after menopause (and I am on bio-identical hormones that help a lot), and working, I just can’t get myself to want to do anything. Can’t afford to buy the book but it would be an answer to prayer to win it.
This looks like just the book I need.
Would love to win this book.
I need spiritual wisdom to really connect with my husband’s soul. This could be the right book. love to win.
We are up and down in our sex life, but this would certainly help.
My husband and I have been reading many of the wonderful Christian marriage blogs. I am post menopausal and felt like my desire for intimacy was gone forever. Not true!! Jesus has been giving me a whole new outlook. I see my husband differently now. He is on my side. He wants to share his love with me. We are moving into a whole new season. I am letting him love me. To God be the glory!! Yahoooo!!!
Thanks for sharing that wonderful story!
Your review of this book truly speaks to me. I know my husband and I would both love if I had a stronger sex drive.
I am a Christian therapist who sees many married couples. I have found this problem to be quite common among female clients. It would be great to study your ideas to help them and I will recommend your book!
Yes, indeed!
And thank you so much for the recommendations.