Spock (husband) and I are fans of board games. We both enjoy learning, strategy, and competition, along with cooperation when the game requires (e.g., Pandemic). A few years back, we tried our first bedroom game, and we’ve played a few since.
Why would a married couple add games to their sexual intimacy? Three benefits quickly come to mind!
Learn Your Repertoire
Bedroom games provide ideas of sexual activities to try. The suggestions might appear on the squares on a game board, within the card deck, or a pair of dice, but you’ll likely encounter something new or a twist on something old as you play.
You may discover a new idea that you like or that you enjoy something you didn’t realize you would.
But you also learn about your repertoire by what you won’t do. That is, most bedroom board games were conceived and manufactured by secular companies, and thus some suggestions are beyond what you are—and sometimes should—be willing to do. As one or both of you look at a suggested sex activity and says, “Nuh-uh, ain’t gonna happen,” you are delineating boundaries. Even if it’s “for now.”
The point is that a bedroom game can help you both expand and define your sexual intimacy repertoire.
Introduce More Playfulness
Have you noted the title of my website? Yes, I believe sex should be hot (enjoyable) and holy (honoring to God), but it’s also humorous. Anyone who’s had intimate sex in their marriage for years can tell at least one sex story that’s outright funny.
Not only that, it’s important to cultivate a sense of lighthearted enjoyment. Laughter is a bonding experience that’s good for your marriage, and you can even catch aspects of this attitude in the Song of Songs. Introducing playfulness can increase intimacy. Bedroom games are one way to encourage that playfulness.
Introducing playfulness can increase intimacy in your marriage. Bedroom games are one way to encourage that playfulness. Share on XBedroom games often include activities outside your comfort zone that feel awkward or even funny or provide opportunities to be humorous with what you’re doing. Even the experience of having an activity timed, and then stopping right as the beep goes off and saying to your beloved, “Your turn!” can cause laughter … since that’s not usually how you do things. (At least I hope it’s not. ~wink~)
Whether you’ve struggled to lighten up or already have a great sense of bedroom humor, games can help you foster your sexual playfulness with one another.
Extend Foreplay
It takes time to play a game, and most of the game is typically focused on arousal and pleasure. That is, you’re not likely to draw a card that says, “Have intercourse until you reach orgasm.”
Rather, the bulk of play involves seduction, exploration, and stimulation. You often have to delay your full gratification until you move a certain number of spaces or complete a series of activities, which draws out foreplay.
Guided by the rules of the game, you may discover that longer lovemaking creates greater connection, anticipation, and eventual satisfaction.
(Putting it more bluntly for certain hubbies: You may realize that she can get really “wet” and even be eager for intercourse—with more attention and buildup.)
You have to set aside enough time for game play, but extended lovemaking could produce a particularly delightful experience for both of you.
Which Bedroom Games to Play?
Good question! I’ll answer that soon on my site with reviews of a few bedroom games. In the meantime, if you’re looking to go ahead and try something out, check out the Married Spice section of bedroom games.

I have never considered this, until now. I have concerns that it could make my wife uncomfortable, especially with a game produced by a secular company. However, I have a lot of respect for your suggestions and will have to take a serious look at what is out there. It could be an interesting Christmas present.
Also, just in case any of the wives wonder, some husbands also find waiting longer and enjoying the journey, as difficult as it can be at times, makes for an incredible ending for both spouses. I certainly can’t be the only one who finds this to be the case.
Several years ago, we tried several bedroom games to break the monotony of our sex script. The best one for us was the one that involved “get to know you” conversations combined with some physical activities. After a while, we got to know each other and the game lost its appeal. We’ve found that any game that involves touch here, lick there, do this for two minutes (whether instigated by rolling dice, picking cards, or moving around a board) wasn’t all that sexy. And others are just plain vulgar.
Are there any other ideas?
Yes, I have ideas. Let me think through, though, and share a bit later.