This is a bonus post to let you know that my husband and I will be participating in the 7 Days of Sex Challenge hosted by Tony & Alisa DiLorenzo. Check it out!
Specifically, it’s the 2nd Annual ONE Extraordinary Marriage 7 Days of Sex Challenge, and its purpose is to reignite physical intimacy in your marriage by engaging in seven consecutive days of sex from Sunday, May 8 through Saturday, May 14. (Of course, no one will stop you if you want to keep going after the 14th!)
When I suggested taking the challenge to my husband, he sighed and said, “Well, if you really wanna . . .” (He’s got a dry sense of humor.) What he was actually thinking was, “Yippee! Slap that on the calendar now while I get on my knees and thank God!”
Of course, my take is that the sex alone isn’t enough. Please do not sign up and then schlep your tired selves to the bedroom with a sense of duty every night to check another sexual encounter off the calendar! This is supposed to be about connecting with each other!
Use this experience wisely. Choose feasible times in your day to interact. Communicate about what you like most in the bedroom. Explore one another’s bodies. Try something new. Pray before or after intercourse to increase your awareness of God’s blessings on your physical relationship. Find scriptures that praise marriage and read them together. Take turns reading Song of Songs and giving massages. Be creative and proactive!
Make this a 7 Days of Marital & Sexual Awesomeness Challenge! I’ll be doing the same.
(Excuse Me. “Honey, stop that! It doesn’t start until tomorrow!”)
Love it!!! Definitely going to check that out!!!!
Update: Day 1 was fabulous! Day 2, hubby got sick. Ugh. Life happens.
Still planning to finish out the week strong and hope to grab another full week later to get in the 7 Days of Sex.
Ugh! Darn wisdom teeth extraction. Life is happening to me right now. Still plan on doing this though. I bet my hubby will have the same dry sense of humor when I tell him about it. LOL!
Oh no, Jocelyn! I hope you’re feeling okay. I’m sure hubby will wait a bit if the carrot you dangle is 7 days worth of tasty!
Hope your mouth is feeling better! Yes, we’ll be having our own personal 7 Days of Sex. It’s still a great idea anytime it works for the couple!
Best wishes!