Hot, Holy & Humorous

Gobble Up the Good Lovin’: BOOK LAUNCH

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday: a time with family and/or friends, good food on the table, and a heart full of gratitude for God’s blessings.

I hope that one of the things you’re grateful for today is the gift of sex in marriage, created and wrapped up by our Heavenly Father. But wives, if it’s not currently on your gratitude list or if you’d like to find even more to be grateful for, I write for you. My blog is a celebration of God’s gift of intimacy in marriage and an instruction manual for enjoying it. I am personally so thankful for what God has done in my own life regarding marital intimacy that I want every single wife to experience the fullness of that gift.

I want every wife to gobble up the good lovin’  in her marriage!

Female Wild Turkeys...looking for good' lovin!
Female Wild Turkeys…looking for good lovin’!
by D. Gordon E. Robertson (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons

So why not make this, my favorite holiday and a day for gratitude, the day I launch my very first book? Sex Savvy: A Lovemaking Guide for Wives is a collection of how-to posts and more from my blog, compiled by topic and freshly edited. It includes illustrations from the talented Matt Baxter, whom some of you may know as husband of Erin Baxter of the Mystery 32 marriage blog.

Here’s the blurb:

How’s your sex savvy?

Book cover for Sex SavvyDo you want to be a hottie in the bedroom without sacrificing holiness? Would you like someone to share real-life tips on making the most of God’s gift of sexual intimacy in marriage?

Put back the secular sources you flipped through in the bookstore, and pick up this biblically grounded handbook: Sex Savvy: A Lovemaking Guide for Christian Wives. Author J. Parker of Hot, Holy & Humorous gives candid advice for wives on everything from kissing to oral sex to orgasm to sexual positions—all from a Christian perspective.

Whether you’re a new bride finding her way around that king-sized mattress or an experienced wife who wants that mattress to sing, this book can boost your sex savvy and improve your marital intimacy.

The ebook is out TODAY and costs $4.99. The book will also be available in print in the near future. You can get your ebook copy — and copies for any other wife you know — from the following retailers:

Amazon: Kindle

Barnes & Noble: Nook

Smashwords (several formats available)

Happy Thanksgiving!

And blessings to you and your marriage!

5 thoughts on “Gobble Up the Good Lovin’: BOOK LAUNCH”

  1. So excited to see a book from one of my favorite bloggers!!! I have been greatly encouraged by your articles and personal responses to questions over the last year since I found you and got married. I can’t wait for this to come out in print! (I’m so old school I don’t do ebooks haha)

    1. I can’t wait for this to come out in print either! 😀 Thanks for the compliment and encouragement. May God bless and keep your marriage!

  2. Love the book! I do wish someone (wink, wink) would write a book for husbands. Really short one, about the things we wish our men knew. 😉

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