Last year, I was pleased to participate in the 31 Days to a Better Marriage, hosted then by Jolene Engle. The result was a month full of fabulous posts by marriage bloggers and then a free downloadable book — all with the goal of growing and strengthening your marriage.
Once again, I’m involved in this marvelous project, this time hosted by Carlie Kercheval of Managing Your Blessings.
Today, the topic is mine. And not surprisingly, it’s about sexual intimacy in marriage. I’m one of the few marriage bloggers who’ll be writing on the topic of godly sex, so be sure to check it out. Of course, the other 30 days of posts will also be worth your while!
Here’s the opening of my post, along with a link to read the rest:
3 Things Your Husband Feels about Sex – That You Might Not Know or Believe
Having blogged for four years on Christian sex in marriage, I’ve logged over 6,800 comments. Although my main audience is wives, many men provide feedback. Again and again, husbands have touched on three themes…which surprised me.
It’s really helpful to be reminded of these 3 thoughts that are common to so many of our husbands.