I’ve mentioned more than once on my blog that I’m not super-big on Valentine’s Day. Maybe it was ruined for me the year a high school boyfriend gave me a dozen roses in a thick glass vase, and two weeks later they all died on the same day. It was such a letdown, especially when I found out how much they cost and that I could have had a long-lasting outfit or a great pair of shoes for that kind of money.
Call me too practical.
But I don’t think I’m unromantic. I enjoy romance! It just doesn’t always look like what other people’s romance looks like. Which makes me think we should extend our definition of romance in our marriages and for Valentine’s.
So what do I really want for Valentine’s Day? And are any of my ideas what you might want from your spouse?
A lingering kiss. I’m talking about that long, soft-lipped kiss that says your spouse’s lips are the only ones you ever want to touch. The type of kiss that feels sweet and passionate all at once. The sort of kiss a fairy tale prince or warrior would plant on his beloved when they finally escape certain peril and find one another.
A hand-picked bunch of flowers. Here in Texas, you’d better make sure you don’t pick any bluebonnets, because picking the state flower on public land is a crime. But there are plenty of places where you could likely yank a few naturally growing flowers from the ground or clip some from a bush and bring them home to your honey. Me? I have a weakness for daisies, which always strike me as a cheerful flower.
A slow dance in our bedroom. I love being held in my husband’s arms and swaying in tandem. We don’t need great dance moves or perfect rhythm or even music playing. Sometimes he just takes me in his arms and sings (off-key) while we dance and I swoon.
A sexy greeting card. There are some very clever greeting cards out there for spouses to exchange, and quite a few of them are flirty, suggestive, or even seductive. I like the idea of my husband picking out the perfect card to say “I want you always…starting right here and now.”
A sightseeing excursion. We’ve done dinner and/or a movie plenty. But my best memories with my husband are when we’ve traveled or gone to museums or visited local attractions. We walk hand-in-hand, see interesting sights, and enjoy great discussions. We spend quality time together. And we don’t do it often enough.
A handwritten letter or poem. My favorite gift ever from my husband is a poem he wrote for my birthday one year. Poetically speaking, it’s bad. But in terms of my intimacy with him, it’s beautiful and unforgettable. He stepped way out of his comfort zone to write something for me he knew I’d like. And if he wants to do something like that every decade or so, that would be just fine with me.
A day in bed. Yes, an entire day that we spend in bed together. We could hole ourselves up in our bedroom and do everything from the cushy, cozy spot of our mattress: Watch TV or movies, eat snacks and meals, read books, have conversations, take an afternoon nap, and — oh yeah — get physically intimate. Maybe more than once.
Are any of these are your wish list? What other ideas would you love for your spouse to gift you with this Valentine’s Day?
And here are some other ideas from previous posts:
What to Get Your Husband for V-Day
13 Sexy Valentine’s Gifts from Your Grocery Store
7 Sexy Valentine’s Gifts You Can Make
“Go Big” Valentine’s Gifts for Your Spouse
8 Cool Valentine’s Gifts for Your Hot Hubby
8 Sweet Valentine’s Gifts for Your Spicy Wife
Valentine’s Day for the Rest of Us
Sex for me the way I want it.
Foreplay with lots of light, lingering touches and kisses followed by a massage and words of affirmation. Then move on to the best way to bring me to a universe exploding climax (which he has said he will no longer do because I take too long and he doesn’t like it). Once I have enjoyed traveling to Pluto and back, then he can “have his way” with me because I enjoy that SO MUCH after I climax.
I have asked for this for my birthday, mother’s day, and even on the one anniversary hotel night we had in all our years of marriage, but nothing. He simply won’t do it. And since we don’t do Valentine’s Day at all (his decision and firm line in the sand), I can only dream.
All I want is some sex. Since I am in a sex-starved marriage, Valentines Day is not my favorite “holiday”. However she is usually willing to have sex on my birthday! 🙂
Sex with lots of foreplay (for me). He usually gets all the foreplay and I get none.
Ah, yes…indeed. An extremely resourceful list, J. 🙂
J those are my thoughts exactly and l am a man. You got inside my head. All would get me just right???
I love those ideas. 🙂 I’m looking forward to putting our kids in bed and sitting at our high top table and making googly eyes at each other while we eat. Then off to dessert in the bedroom. 😀 I assume that will be our Valentine’s plans. We don’t really have any.
The ability to believe my husband actually loves me. The ability to believe that he finds me attractive and is romantically interested in me when everything around me and in my thought screams “no way!” The ability to believe the things he says.
Noted, these are all gifts I’d have to give myself.
But no greeting cards. I hate them. Like, with a passion. Words of fluff and nonsense. If there is such a thing as anti-love language, I’d have to say words would be mine.
I think my husband would enjoy the gift of me believing him, but I can’t get past the wall of being afraid of being lied to and being a fool. Not even with a fluffy greeting card. 🙂 But perhaps for him, I’ll try.
B, when my wife gives me a card, I only half read it, because it doesn’t matter what it says. I doubt that some Mr. or Ms. Deeds at Hallmark can adequately express my wife’s heart. But, what makes me feel loved is the knowledge that she took time out of her day to think of me enough to buy a card. I stop and think that, at some time when I was least aware, she was in some store looking through stacks of cards trying to find just the right one. It’s a nice feeling.
Ohh Good list! I totally agree with you on flowers. I love practical, but love notes would be so sweet! That’s on my list and the excursion sounds nice. I like day trips with a picnic lunch and no where and nothing planned. I still have all the love notes my husband ever gave me, most are used as bookmarks in my bible.
I have all the love notes my husband ever gave me too! All ONE of them. Lol.
Sounds like your relationship is very sweet!
I mentioned your post to my husband and he asked me what I wanted. No candy – I’m dieting! No dinner out – too crazy on V Day! No flowers – I hate to see them wither up! The ‘day in bed’ sounded good to both of us – but it’s a Sunday this year. Church. Still it got us thinking –