This year, I’ve been focused on Praying More, especially for our marriage beds. It recently occurred to me that I often say to someone, “Praying for you…”
I’ve said it many times in the comments section of my blog, in email replies to readers who contact me, to those who mention on my Facebook page a struggle they’re going through. What does that look like? How do marriage bloggers pray for their readers?
I know what I do, but I decided to ask other marriage bloggers with whom I’m in contact. Their responses were wonderful. Let me share some of what they said.
Whenever the Holy Spirit brings somebody to mind, I pause and I pray in that moment and make a note on my phone. When I get the opportunity, I like to send people a simple message just to encourage them if they’ve been prayed for.
I pray over my audience and writing in general asking that I write for the one woman God has purposed the message of that post [for] and [that] my words are pleasing to Him.
If I tell someone I will pray for them, I do it right then. If at a later time the situation comes back to me, I will generally pray about it again.
Most consistently is when I am emailing them back or commenting back. Then there are times I just pray for readers in general!
[My husband and I] pray for husbands and wives (in general and for those who read our posts) in our together prayers.
I have a monthly cyber prayer meeting on my blog, share prayer prompts daily, and pray as I type (writing or emailing).
When I get an email from someone who’s hurting, I pray immediately upon reading and then again when I reply.
I wavered on whether to tell you who specifically said what, then decided to leave it at their words. Because while this is a small sample, it reflects a wide variety of Christian marriage bloggers. And I want my readers to know that whether you’re here or on another blog, your marriage — and sometimes your marriage bed specifically — are the topic of prayer.
Anyone who’s ever been sick or known the loss of a loved one understands how comforting it can be to have someone say they’re praying for you. Honestly, that response is so much better than people who want to tell you exactly how to handle your illness or your grief.
While we marriage bloggers are in the business of telling you how to handle your marriage — or rather, to provide insight for how to handle aspects of your marriage — as Christians, we understand that we are way out of our league in actually making anything happen. If comfort, persistence, and/or change are going to happen, that’s up to the married couple and God acting in their lives.
It’s what saved my flailing marriage. (Plus, some really awesome sex. 😉 ) I genuinely believe that without God prodding me into better perspectives and habits, I’d be divorced right now. Instead, after I finish this post, I’m making plans for a date day with my husband (kids are gone), which both of us are really looking forward to. Because we’re in a happy marriage now. Thank God for His supernatural intervention!
So today, I just want you to know that while you’re praying for your own marriage, we’re praying for you too.
While you're praying for your own #marriage, we're praying for you too. Share on XMy own practice is that when I say I’m praying for someone or their situation, I do it right at that moment. As I’m writing the response to their email, comment, or post, I stop and say a quick prayer about that particular person and their struggle. I have also prayed for my readers generally. And when I’m tackling a difficult subject, I definitely pray for God’s guidance.
I always appreciate when someone shares a difficult situation in the comments section and another commenter responds with a commitment to pray for that person. So thank you, readers, for also praying for others’ marriages and marriage beds.
Let’s continue bringing our marriages and sexual intimacy in those marriages before the throne of God.
“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).
A quick thank you to these members of the Christian Marriage Bloggers Association who shared their prayer practices: David, Bonny, Tim, Kate, Lori, Laura, and Chris.
Thank you for praying for us. I have been in a really tough season, but I see God’s goodness & mercy at work in me and that is due to making Him a priority in my life. Also, reaching out to other Christians, some of whom blog ? , and reading their encouragement to pursue God, extend mercy, forgive and celebrate marriage! Thank you for all that you do. It IS a ministry and it is powerful.
The older I get the more I realize that prayer isn’t the last resort, but the first line of defense.
It is a comfort to know we are being prayed over. It is sometimes difficult to imagine God being with us in our marriage bed, but it is getting easier to thank God for our sex life. – Mike
Thank you! I am always encouraged when I see others praying for others.
I agree prayer should not be a last resort but a first line defence. I would appreciate your prayers for my marriage and two boys. After being married for over 17years my husband has lost faith and hope in God and left our church and is planning on leaving home too. He is planning on telling the boys this wk and is moving out as soon as he gets a flat organised. He needs a real encounter with God. And he needs to be filled with the power of God. I know God can restore our marriage and can fix what is broken. I have faith and trust in God and I believe in prayer.
Oh my goodness. I’m so sad to hear this, Janet. Definitely praying for God to be with you and your boys, and for your husband’s heart to be pricked.
Every time I think my marriage is getting on track, it falters again. We just came back from a wonderful marriage cruise, with my husband even booking next year’s cruise as well, but he most often says “we will pray tomorrow night together”. What is really creating cracks is our daughter. She is going through a really bad time(she now has a christian therapist) which is causing major problems with my husband and me. When he gets mad at what she is doing or saying, he takes it out on me because he doesn’t like how I’m handling her. I’m getting upset because she is treating me badly and he isn’t supporting me. I’ve been on my knees about all of this. I know God can do all things and help guide us, but I’m getting so tired. I have MS as well(probably one of the only MSers that has a high sex drive 😉 ) which makes processing information slower which frustrates both husband and daughter.
Any prayers would be much appreciated. My husband and I have been together for almost 20 years and I know God can save us as well as guide our daughter out of her darkness.
Thank you so much for this! I appreciate you praying for us. It seems like the Christian marriage bed is so difficult,and it shouldn’t be!! We don’t make love often but when we do she complaints about something. I go to slow, her legs hurt, arms hurt, she’ll say are you about there.. it just makes me feel horrible and l just want to pull out. I don’t ask much for it and when I do she’ll say we just did it 2 weeks ago. Then if l don’t mention it she wondering why and gets upset.
So yes, we need your prayers. I was reading many blogs and bought books and some that you mention often, l have quit reading them( except yours) because l found myself getting very bitter towards her, because she not like the other women that actually enjoy making love to their husbands and looked forward to it. I started to withdraw and not talk to her, except short conversation, l would not hold her hand, hug her, put my arm around her.l knew it wasn’t right of me to be like that. I got off work one day, went to a park and opened my Bible and started reading asking God to help me and her. I balled like a baby.l apologized to God and went home and apologized. I think we need to be careful about becoming bitter towards our spouse. I had to quit reading many of the Christian blogs about how other women enjoy and viewed sex. Bitterness was and had sit in and l had to end that!! Colossians 3:19 kjv
So yes, we need your prayers and Thank you for this!!
Blessings, and yes, my heart breaks for you. Your wife clearly doesn’t understand, for some reason, what a gift sexual intimacy could be to your marriage. Praying for you both.
Thank you for praying. I am also in a difficult season with my husband of 16 years (couple for 23 yrs, 3 children). I’ve neglected some things in recent years and his demands (of the sinful nature) have me extremely concerned for our relationship and marriage, but mostly for his own salvation. I’m holding on to God’s promises, believe and trust in his plan for healing and restoration. I’m also thankful for finding your website & blog which has been a blessing to me.
Am in my 30s and still single
Please pray for a good marriage for me
God bless you
Thank you for the prayers.
Can you please pray ( I am praying as well), that I become sexually attracted to my husband.
I really just have sex at this point to please him, but honestly there is not enthusiasm on my part. I know this is going to make us drift apart. It has happened before.
Thank you