Hot, Holy & Humorous

The Amusement Park of Orgasms

Orgasm seems to be a rather straightforward experience. Scientifically speaking, a woman has had an orgasm when she releases sexual tension through rhythmic muscular contractions in her pelvic area. These spasms are accompanied by heightened sexual pleasure — of the my-world-just-kaboomed-and-I-liked-it sort.

But not all orgasms are the same. While there’s long been a debate about whether there are two kinds of orgasm — clitoral and vaginal — or just one, in terms of experience, there are really many kinds.

Santa Monica Pier

Here are some of the options of what you may have felt or might feel in the future (if you haven’t had an orgasm yet). I hope you enjoy my made-up terms for them. 😉

Roller Coaster Dip Orgasm. This is the basic orgasm you’ve had or heard about. Tension gathers as you move up the sexual arousal incline, your pleasure increasing and increasing and increasing. And then you hit a tipping point and go soaring over the hump with a blast of pleasure and maybe a squeee! to boot. It’s a rather exhilarating experience.

"TopThrillDragsterCedarPointe". Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -
by Matt314, via Wikimedia Commons

It usually happens with clitoral stimulation, either directly through digital manipulation or oral sex, or indirectly with rubbing against that area during intercourse. The Roller Coaster Dip is also what you’re likely to experience with masturbation or a sex toy (I’m not suggesting either of those here, simply mentioning the tie-in).

Tilt-a-Whirl Orgasm. Don’t remember the tilt-a-whirl? Think teacup ride at Disney World. You’re in a small enclosure going around a big circular platform (think of that as your overall sexual arousal) and now and again centrifugal force swirls you around in a stomach-plunging wave of excitement (orgasm).

By Calle Eklund/V-wolf via Wikimedia Commons

So the Tilt-a-Whirl Orgasm is a series of waves of pleasure, with a small dip in between but rising again to a crest of excitement. These waves can be within seconds of each other, and you might have two or three or more in a row.

Vaginal orgasm may conform to this experience, as the intercourse experience can make your pleasure feel deeper and more intense, resulting in waves rather than a single peak. But you can also have this type of orgasm with foreplay.

Spin Me Crazy Orgasm. When we visited the amusement park, my kids always wanted to go on this one ride that freaked out the mother in me. People were secured into seats at the ends of these long arms, and then the whole thing rose into the air. The arms twisted around, and each car revolved over and over and over. There was no literally no downtime between thrills and screams, just an ongoing assault of frenzy and excitement.

© Milan Nykodym, Czech Republic, via Wikimedia Commons

Sometimes an orgasm feels like that. As if you have no downtime whatsoever between the repeated sensations of pleasure overcoming your body. It’s like you peak-peak-peak over and over. How long can you keep that up? Well, like any ride, eventually a girl gets dizzy, you know? But more likely, the tension releases, the sensations stop having that effect, you just feel like it’s enough, or something…and the spinning stops.

And yes, leaving you an exhausted heap of what-just-happened?

Swing Out Orgasm. Sometimes, however, an orgasm just feels like a free-and-easy swirl through the air. Like that ride where you sit in a chair suspended by cables and fly out over the ground. It’s not as thrill-inducing, but it’s a moment of surrender and excitement.

By Ricardo630, via Wikimedia Commons
By Ricardo630, via Wikimedia Commons

That orgasm can feel like a pleasant wave riding over your body. The spasms may be less intense and further apart, but the climax still releases tension and brings a wash of calm and happiness. A not-as-strong orgasm may be just the thing you need to let go and bask in that beautiful moment of intimacy with your husband.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the orgasms possible. I simply want to draw attention to the fact that orgasms are not a one-size-fits-all. If you experience heightened pleasure and spasms in your pelvis, you’ve had an orgasm. And let’s hope you reveled in it.

Not to mention the grin and swagger your husband gave afterward.

And if you haven’t had an orgasm yet, here’s some advice on getting there. Don’t sweat or worry that you haven’t reached this particular climax; rather, keep pleasuring each other in your marriage bed and finding ways to enjoy your intimacy as much as possible…and you’ll likely get there. As you can see, it’s quite a ride!

How would you describe the orgasms you’ve experienced? What advice might you have for other Christian wives on this wild ride?

18 thoughts on “The Amusement Park of Orgasms”

  1. Well I don’t know if it constitutes as an orgasm or not. But me when my hubby and I have Business Time as we call it, when he hits around my g-spot, it is a delightful feeling of just the right spot. And it feels soooo delightful. It makes me want more and it sure helps him. It can make me quiver a bit and make down there feel fabulous. I have never had my roller coaster orgasm with my spouse, but it’s more like an intense delight and feel sooooooo good type thing. Whether u wanna consider it an orgasm or just a start to something he should finish, Idk. But it sure feels good to me.

  2. Loved your descriptions and knew exactly what you were talking about with each one! I’ve actually used the roller-coaster one as a description with my hubs – unfortunately, occasionally we ride all the way up the roller coaster, it’s feeling fantastic, you’re waiting…you’re waiting…and there’s just no big swoop down the other side! Argh! It happens…fortunately if you’ve been married long enough, know your body well enough and are comfortable enough to share with each other you realize it’s bound to happen sometimes and there’s always another chance! Thanks for a fun post!

    1. I know exactly what you’re talking about, Beth. It’s like wait…wait…wait…where is IT?!! LOL. Still enjoyable, but frustrating.

  3. And then you start to wonder if somehow you thinking about it was the reason it didn’t happen. Crazy creatures we women are.
    My husband and I have been married only 5 years and because of children and then PPD we are still perfecting our “business” (haha) but I can happily say I have experienced each type of the orgasms you’re talking about 🙂

  4. I will never look at an amusement park the same again haha!!!
    Here’s my comment…I have ne’er experienced an orgasm during sex or oral, and this is highly frustrating to my husband. There is nothing physically wrong with me, all parts work normal, I just can’t get there!

    1. And another of my quirky analogies goes awry. I apologize to Six Flags and Disney World. LOL.

      Stay tuned, Crystal! I’m going to talk more about orgasm soon. Maybe something will help!

    2. Hey Crystal,

      I don’t know if this is still relevant to you, but I saw your comment and thought I’d respond with an idea that worked for my husband and I. For a while, we did manual stimulation to try to get me to orgasm, but his tough fingers would always end up making me sore and uncomfortable down there. (which was not conducive to orgasm.) We finally had a revelation to have me keep my underwear on while he stimulated me. This changed everything! The other thing we did in tandem with that was him stimulating me while I laid down and he sat near my pelvis facing me and stimulated me from there. These two changes led me to finally be able to orgasm! The main takeaway is to keep trying many different things. We got stuck doing one thing and hoped it would work, but it was the experimentation that finally led us to the right technique for my body.

      Hope that helps! Best of luck!

  5. And for us men, the image would be one of those side booths where a guy would take the big hammer and strike the pad to ring the bell.

    If it were fireworks it should be a roman candle, right?

    This is a post men ought to read to see that their wife can have a lot of different orgasms. It is really great as it has lots of picture to tell such a wonderful lesson!

    You do a great job for married couples.

    Thanks! – Jerry Stumpf – Marriage coach and communication educator

  6. Pingback: How To Help Your Wife Orgasm | Married Christian Sex

  7. It’s still fascinating to me that women can have different kinds of orgasms. My wife Sexy Corte has described some of hers before, and I’m sure she’d like your amusement park analogy. I feel kinds disappointed that we men only get one kind, and only one at a time! You women get to go on as many rides as you want!

  8. I have a sudden and unexplained urge to visit an amusement park. 🙂

    Tilt-a-Whirls make me throw up; fortunately, Tilt-a-Whirl orgasms don’t.

    I’ve thought of a couple other rides for you. I’ve been on a couple rides with centrifugal force wherethe floor drops out from under you and you don’t even notice because you’re so caught up in the experience of the ride. Plus, there are water slides. Both of these have some features that might apply to orgasms as well.

  9. How fascinating to hear orgasm described in this way – I love it! My personal experience is mostly on the tilt-a-whirl, but I enjoy the basic roller coaster dive when my husband uses his hands or a toy. The best for me, the wild and crazy, “Spin Me,” but it can never be predicted and is always a delightful, breath-taking surprise!

  10. My wife finds oral, or that combined with a g-spot vibe the surest method. It is so lovely of a ride-to give her unspeakable pleasures with a heart full if love and enthusiasm-that sometimes I climax myself. Ah!

  11. Your description of the roller coaster is a good comparison. My wife agrees. Let me add more of a description to yours. This happens both orally and manually. As the excitement builds its as the cars going around the turns of the roller coaster. There is screaming and such with each wave as the cars go around the turns. But as the tension builds, there is quietness, as the cars go up the slope. I know things are close and can’t slow down. Once it reaches the peak and the cars go down there is excitement and screaming as the tension is released to bottom. Sometimes though in the quietness as you are reaching the top the cars take a sidetrack and the turns start all over until you reach the bottom of the tall ascent again. This can happen a few times.

    Thanks for your blog it is very informative.

  12. Pingback: The Importance of Enthusiasm | Married Christian Sex

  13. This was helpful to me. I’ve been married almost 5 years and finally experience orgasm more frequently than I used to, but I’m pretty sure it was a year or two before I did. And even now, It doesn’t happen more times than it does.
    However, in spite of not having orgasm very often I always enjoy sex with my husband. I could relate most to The Swing. There’s rarely a peak or climax but it’s always pleasurable. I just enjoy being with him in those intimate moments.
    But the times I do orgasm tend to be when he uses his hands rather than just intercourse. Or with A LOT of foreplay. Other times I’m frustrated because I can tell I’m going to get there, but it’s gonna take awhile, and he’s finished before I get there.
    So, I’m still a little frustrated with figuring out this whole orgasm thing. Especially since I always want sex with my husband, I can’t think of a time I haven’t been “in the mood”, and consider myself to have a higher sex drive that must women. But, like I said, orgasm or not, I always enjoy the intimacy!

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